Revue Française de la recherche
en viandes et produits carnés

ISSN  2555-8560

Creation of a French grading system for marbling evaluation

Marbling is defined as fat infiltration between muscular fibers. Some recent studies confirm the positive impact of this criterion on the overall palatability of meat. This is why INTERBEV (the interbranch of the meat industry) has chosen to work on this criterion to meet consumer’s expectations in terms of organoleptic quality. An action plan has been drawn up on this topic and the measurement of marbling is the first step to be taken. It’s important to be able to measure this criterion to better understand how to manage it. In addition, the interbranch is proposing that slaughterhouses measure marbling to measure marbling to complete the other parameters (such as conformation, fatness score, carcass weight,…) that already exist, in order to better meet consumer expectations. IDELE (the French livestock institute) has developed a French grid, adapted to the French context to assess marbling levels. The grid has been tested in slaughterhouse and performances are satisfying. The grid has therefore been validated by IDELE and INTERBEV and an interbranch agreement supervises marbling measurements and defines how the grid is to be used. Studies are underway to improve reliability and efficiency of marbling measurements in vivo and on carcasses thanks to new technologies (artificial intelligence).

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