Today, it is important to make research results accessible to the public in a simple and understandable way. This objective is at the origin of the Open Science movement. This movement uses many tools available on the internet, publications and data available through open access or partnerships between scientists and actors of society. The meat dictionary first developed by the Meat Academy, served as a source for the creation of a specific thesaurus on meat and which could be useful to different actors of the sector, including consumers. The Meat Thesaurus contains 1505 concepts that describe the different facets of the meat sector such as the market and commercialization of meat, slaughtering, culinary preparations, etc. The creation of the thesaurus was done by a pluridisciplinary team including experts in web semantics, meat biology and experts of meat vocabulary. This thesaurus has several advantages. First, it may be used to help index articles, review articles and data sets, making their consultation by professionals, consumers, scientists or journalists easier. It may also be used as a basis for building an ontology, which is a formal description of knowledge in a field that will be used to reason from data. The thesaurus will also allow enriching other vocabulary to introduce new knowledge, like for example French specificities of meat cutting or terms and definitions.